Good Afternoon Everyone,
And Praise the Lord for the ability to be up and running finally. I just want to first introduce ourselves and what this blog ministry and family network is all about. First and foremost we will not post anything on this site that doesn't come from the Holy word of the Lord. No made up stories or misinterpretations of the scriptures as I have seen time and again. Second we are a site devoted to having a good time serving the Lord and involving the entire family. 3rd we want to establish one thing up front. We are not an institutionalized, financially greedbased, wealth driven, hypocritical faction that used the word of the most high to spread false hope and good feelings just to gain new readers. There are waaaaayyyy Too many of those already out there. If you are here to get any of these things, then I can, and will more than happy to direct you to other sites.
What we are about is spreading the true, spirit filled word of the Lord Jesus Christ to the lost, the sick, the downtrodden, then lonely, the misfits, the angry, the bitter, the beaten down, and pretty much anyone who had felt the pain, and hurt of this world. Here we are teachers, leaders, friends, family, and partners who want not just to show and express our love for the master, but to gain knowledge from each of you. We want you to read our posts, write us letters and express your own blessings from God. That being said, I want to welcome everyone here, feel free to check out the links to the right of the screen. We are in a construction faze, and each week will have more and more connections to the Christian world around us. We will divide them into easy to search categories, whether its your favorite Casting Crowns CD, or the newest faith based film documentory,whether you a pastor in search of sermons, or a study site to learn new material, if you are a Christian based teacher you might need materials for your classroom, or checking out the latest Christian games for your kids, or perhaps you just want to read and study the word, it will be posted and listed here as a link for you to easily go to. We've done the homework for you, so you don't have to take you precious time searching. We are soon to be the site to link the Christian world together. We have to be linked. In a world growing ever darker, filled with unbelief, lust, temptations, greed and selfishness, where Lucifer the lightbringer, spreads his lies and deceit. I don't know about you, but Paul said the best thing we can do is to be of one mind, one spirit and all be like minded. Focused on the word of the Lord. Else we will be as a ship tossed upon the waves, never knowing where our thoughts lie. We know, we know that only through the will of the Lord shall true peace be achieved. I want to be like that tree planted by the rivers where my leaves bring forth fruit in their season. I want to be the tree that my leaves never withers and whatever I attempt the Lord will help me to achieve. So let's all join together in this network of faith and hope and have fun. Tomorrow we will begin posting our first series called: Walking worthy of God. I leave you with this info keep it close to your heart, it always helps me.
The Bible is God's word. This is how He talks to you. It is like no other book in the entire world--it is living. Pray before you pick it up. Some of you may not know how to pray. It is simply talking to God. Make sure you close your prayer "In Jesus Name" which Jesus told us to do.
You may not understand everything that you read the first time. The Holy Spirit will help you to understand what you need to know.
Start with the book of John which is the fourth book of the New Testament.
If you get sleepy when you begin to read the Bible, continue anyway! The devils that had control over you before you trusted Jesus don't want you to read the Bible--it is dangerous to them. Reading the Bible will change your life--it certainly changed mine. The Holy Spirit will teach you how to overcome temptation, gain wisdom, trust God, know His will, have peace regardless of your circumstances, and so much more.
And Praise the Lord for the ability to be up and running finally. I just want to first introduce ourselves and what this blog ministry and family network is all about. First and foremost we will not post anything on this site that doesn't come from the Holy word of the Lord. No made up stories or misinterpretations of the scriptures as I have seen time and again. Second we are a site devoted to having a good time serving the Lord and involving the entire family. 3rd we want to establish one thing up front. We are not an institutionalized, financially greedbased, wealth driven, hypocritical faction that used the word of the most high to spread false hope and good feelings just to gain new readers. There are waaaaayyyy Too many of those already out there. If you are here to get any of these things, then I can, and will more than happy to direct you to other sites.
What we are about is spreading the true, spirit filled word of the Lord Jesus Christ to the lost, the sick, the downtrodden, then lonely, the misfits, the angry, the bitter, the beaten down, and pretty much anyone who had felt the pain, and hurt of this world. Here we are teachers, leaders, friends, family, and partners who want not just to show and express our love for the master, but to gain knowledge from each of you. We want you to read our posts, write us letters and express your own blessings from God. That being said, I want to welcome everyone here, feel free to check out the links to the right of the screen. We are in a construction faze, and each week will have more and more connections to the Christian world around us. We will divide them into easy to search categories, whether its your favorite Casting Crowns CD, or the newest faith based film documentory,whether you a pastor in search of sermons, or a study site to learn new material, if you are a Christian based teacher you might need materials for your classroom, or checking out the latest Christian games for your kids, or perhaps you just want to read and study the word, it will be posted and listed here as a link for you to easily go to. We've done the homework for you, so you don't have to take you precious time searching. We are soon to be the site to link the Christian world together. We have to be linked. In a world growing ever darker, filled with unbelief, lust, temptations, greed and selfishness, where Lucifer the lightbringer, spreads his lies and deceit. I don't know about you, but Paul said the best thing we can do is to be of one mind, one spirit and all be like minded. Focused on the word of the Lord. Else we will be as a ship tossed upon the waves, never knowing where our thoughts lie. We know, we know that only through the will of the Lord shall true peace be achieved. I want to be like that tree planted by the rivers where my leaves bring forth fruit in their season. I want to be the tree that my leaves never withers and whatever I attempt the Lord will help me to achieve. So let's all join together in this network of faith and hope and have fun. Tomorrow we will begin posting our first series called: Walking worthy of God. I leave you with this info keep it close to your heart, it always helps me.
The Bible is God's word. This is how He talks to you. It is like no other book in the entire world--it is living. Pray before you pick it up. Some of you may not know how to pray. It is simply talking to God. Make sure you close your prayer "In Jesus Name" which Jesus told us to do.
You may not understand everything that you read the first time. The Holy Spirit will help you to understand what you need to know.
Start with the book of John which is the fourth book of the New Testament.
If you get sleepy when you begin to read the Bible, continue anyway! The devils that had control over you before you trusted Jesus don't want you to read the Bible--it is dangerous to them. Reading the Bible will change your life--it certainly changed mine. The Holy Spirit will teach you how to overcome temptation, gain wisdom, trust God, know His will, have peace regardless of your circumstances, and so much more.