Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The heart of a savior

Good Afternoon,
Today I want to speak about a heart. Not just any heart but the heart of a Savior. The Lord tells us in John chapter 16 we are to love one another even as I have loved you, love one another. The heart of a Savior is pure unadulterated love. To love is to fulfil every aspect of the ten comandments. If you love your enemies as Christ said we must, we will not lie to them, or kill. If we truly love one another we will not steal from each other, we will not envy or covet what others have. If we love our wives, our husbands, our girlfriends or boyfriends, or friends, we will not lust after others or try to destroy our homes with selfish ideas or temporary pleasures of the flesh.. To love God is to not worship other gods which can be things of material value, ball games, cars, video games, hobbies, work, t.v, money etc etc.. All of which leads us away from the Lord and his written word and instead after worldly greed. Therefore to Love the Lord We will not take his name in vain without realizing how much we hurt him. If we love our parents we will not disobey their wisdom or disrespect them. So you see without true love our nation's future lies in peril. We destroy forests out of greed, pollute waterways out of disrespect or selfish disregard for the lives of others. We watch every program on satellite TV and spend half the next day lusting after actors, distracted by a zombie apocalypse or a game of thrones, we know more about modern television and its sitcoms than we do about the word of the Lord. You want an apocolypse? Look at the world and the disasters man has caused. You want reality tv? Look at your workplace, our homes, your families. Thats real.. The true throne is no game. We will all bow before the throne of the Lord and answer for our lives here. That's real.
 The Lord tells us we are all going to die and then face judgement. The great news folks! Is we have a chance to be redeemed. A word that means set free from the damnation that awaits all who have not gave their lives to the Lord. Thus enters the Savior. The Lord our Christ. The son of the morning star, the everlasting covenant. And the only name given under Heaven by which people are saved. You might ask if we have a way out. If we could free ourselves from everlasting damnation. And for many this is a joke, a farse, a myth, or a lie. I say to you, our world is fading from the light. Morality has become the topic of comedy. Jesus has become the stuff of Saturday Night Live and Southpark. However we apostles of Christ knew these days would come. Why? Because The Bible foretold it to be so. Read 2 Timothy. Read Daniel, Read the book of Romans. Lovers of themselves, lovers of greed, disobedient to others, immoral, adulterous, haters, thieves, evil to their neighbors, liers, distrustful. Know anyone like that? I do. Most of the time it's people you know and love.  What we as followers of Christ have to do is what the Lord told us to do.  Be light in the darkness, be love where hate abounds, heap coal on their heads to show them The Lord is greater than their devil. We must endure and spread the good news to these people who so need saving. What if you saw two children standing beneath a crumbling building. Would you run to save them or turn away out of fear? To save a lost burning, crumbling soul is the same as saving a life in this frail,decaying world.
Thus comes the heart of a Savior. Not afraid, nor lost, nor lacking in love. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Suffered a criminals death for us. However he also was brought back to life, and now we have him with us through the Holy spirit. The best part I save for last.  We have hope. All we have to do is ignore the media, ignore the lies about Christianity, and most of all ignore the world and it's frivolous selfish nature, making you feel less than perfect, foolish or unimportant.  If you believe in your heart that Jesus is the Messiah , that he died for you and me, that he like the spirit of the wind lives. Welcome him into your heart and then you too will have a heart of a Savior. Renew your mind, be transformed, live life with hope, peace, fearless. Ask and he will come in. Take from him the love required to live everlasting to everlasting. There is more than death to our existence. Much more. Heaven is real. It exists and is beyond any love you have ever experienced. Don't miss it.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

The peace of the light

Hello my friends. Today I want to share a simple and very difficult task. The Lord wishes that all people be saved. He
 tells us in Matthew 5 we must be as light upon a candle stick. To provide others around us a chance to see Yeshua's goodness. His love and yet his judgement. Through our own love toward our brethren we can lead them to the Lord.
On the flip side, if you are broken, lost, feeling a sense of worthlessness, anger, fear, uncertainty. There is a door that can opened unto you. But first you have to knock, seek, and without seeing, believe. As a child believes with sincere faith. This though simple requires the hardest reality. Our will must be handed to him. There unconditional love will be poured out into you. A profound moment when nothing in this decayinbg world matters. When our spirit unites with the Father.
Works that we do doesn't get it done, being born into a religious heritage doesn't matter, good deeds doesn't get it done. A void exists that Satan wishes you to believe his world can fulfil. It's in this world that we can lose ourselves, we can lose the truth and exchange it for a lie. What is that lie? That faith is foolishness, that Jesus is a joke, a myth. Do you feel that Christians are self righteous hypocripts? Speaking one thing but revealing the opposite in their actions?
What the word of Christ is saying is simple....Be not like unto them.. Your heavenly father knows what you have need of before you ask of him. But you have to ask.  Call out to him.. Speak to him. Pray to him in secret, and your father who sees and hears in secret will reward you openly. We are all set on the same path. Death is a certainty. When or how is beyond knowing. What can be certain is where we spend eternity. If you want life and peace beyond anything you've ever known. Or do you want to change lives forever, speak this simple prayer.. In secret...in your living room, in your bedroom, in the woods, or in your office. Wherever you are he hears you.

"Yaweh, Jesus, I need you, I am lost, without hope. I have no idea where or who you are, but I need you and desire your love. Come into my life, cast out my darkness and forgive me my sinful nature. Be my Savior now and forever. Show me where and how to live my life."

Now go into the world preaching and teaching the good news which is the Lord Jesus coming into the lives of sinners and the lost that they might be set free.