Good Afternoon my friends,
Tonight I wanted to share something that many of you might or might now be aware of. Today's America isn't the America of our Great grandfathers. Corporate Elitism has replaced pure common sense and the will of the Lord. Take a moment to look around and think. Did you know that there are over 35000 corporate lobbyists in Washington presently? Did you know that during the presidency of Obama, financial institutions placed over 5 billion dollars into political campaigns. Did you know that pharmaceutical companies threw over 2 million into it? Surprising we had a financial bale out and then a new health care system where many of the prescription drugs are not even tested to be safe for consumption. Think I'm kidding, do the math, do the research yourself. Did you realize that corporate conglomerates control what we watch on television, what we listen to on the radio, and even the propaganda we read, and see? Did you also realize there is a growing casm between the wealthy and the poor? Do you think it is a coincidence? Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to get a college education, funding for poor neighborhood schools or small town communities? I heard today Congress is trying to cut any funding to help NPR the local Nashville radio station which imagine that, publishes media that actually tells the truth. Folks we are on a mountain peak looking over into a valley filled with fire and destruction. I foresee an economic downturn and a Corporate State which dominates all aspects of our lives and our so called freedoms. Ever wonder how Germany came to be as it was during the Hitler regime? Ever study how Russia fell? Look into it. The Bible teaches us enough about History to know that empires rise and reign about 200 years before collapsing in on itself. We are undergoing what Sheldon Wole a great philospher of his time, inverted Totalitarianism. This is a large word which simply means a goverment grows powerful, slowly but surely gaining influence through monitary means, over the propaganda, the media, the intillectual institutions, the financial sector,the legal sector, even the very Constitution from which the rights of the people were first born. Then they change and deregulate and twist these sectors to meet their demands and their needs at whim. Oh all the while using their influence to promote fear, or guilt, causing people to feel they must follow in their shadow for being called unamerican, or a traitor, or a racist, or a bigit, or a hypocryt. Sound familiar? What's on television? Patriatism, war adverts, wealthy commercials filled with empty meaning and purpose. Half of what we watch is mind numbing, the other half is influential all bent and twisted to control and desensitize the American populous. Known facts have revealed much of the so called Political debates and arguments we watch on television are staged theatrics to convince a public ignorant to the true nature of what's going on behind closed doors. Folks I am no politician, I am servent of the Lord Jesus Christ, who taught me that the world is dominated by man mad will, and with his will, comes corruption and devistation. Another great Philosopher Karl Piloney said that a society run solely on the basis of economic and market policy is doomed to fail. Look around you, our society is influenced daily by the stock market and wall street. Why is oil $4 a gallon, why is jobs so limited for the middle and lower class? Why is college tuition going up? Why does groceries cost twice as much as it did in 1990? Why does being poor so degrading in this modern society? I tell you why to all of it. We have been herded and influenced to where we are now. We were tricked into thinking debt was ok, that being rich was better than being comfortable, that to have twice as much as our neighbor was the only way to be considered worthy. We were taught in college that reason and progress was more beneficial that serving the Lord God. That technology would outlast the world itself, and that man was much wiser than his creator. I will say this once, and listen closely. The economy will not stand this kind of pressure placed upon it by the Corporate State. Our enviornment and ecosystem will not stand the pressure placed upon it by this modern and techno generation fueled by industrialism and capitalism. This nation cannot stand with all the wealth at the top and little at the bottom where the main body of the populous exists. Why? Am I just a downer? Am I a depressive pastor? No, I am a believer in the words of the Lord. In the end man will discover that he might think he can stand up to Nature and the Lord's plan, but unfortunatly, he will be surprised. Gather your communities together, teach them the simple ways of the Lord, teach once another to live subsistantly, and fear not the future for the Lord has that part already secured for those who believe in his name. Oh there will be riots, there will be struggle in the end, it is an inevitable part of any great empire which has fallen. But for those who endure to the end, they shall be saved.
Tonight I wanted to share something that many of you might or might now be aware of. Today's America isn't the America of our Great grandfathers. Corporate Elitism has replaced pure common sense and the will of the Lord. Take a moment to look around and think. Did you know that there are over 35000 corporate lobbyists in Washington presently? Did you know that during the presidency of Obama, financial institutions placed over 5 billion dollars into political campaigns. Did you know that pharmaceutical companies threw over 2 million into it? Surprising we had a financial bale out and then a new health care system where many of the prescription drugs are not even tested to be safe for consumption. Think I'm kidding, do the math, do the research yourself. Did you realize that corporate conglomerates control what we watch on television, what we listen to on the radio, and even the propaganda we read, and see? Did you also realize there is a growing casm between the wealthy and the poor? Do you think it is a coincidence? Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to get a college education, funding for poor neighborhood schools or small town communities? I heard today Congress is trying to cut any funding to help NPR the local Nashville radio station which imagine that, publishes media that actually tells the truth. Folks we are on a mountain peak looking over into a valley filled with fire and destruction. I foresee an economic downturn and a Corporate State which dominates all aspects of our lives and our so called freedoms. Ever wonder how Germany came to be as it was during the Hitler regime? Ever study how Russia fell? Look into it. The Bible teaches us enough about History to know that empires rise and reign about 200 years before collapsing in on itself. We are undergoing what Sheldon Wole a great philospher of his time, inverted Totalitarianism. This is a large word which simply means a goverment grows powerful, slowly but surely gaining influence through monitary means, over the propaganda, the media, the intillectual institutions, the financial sector,the legal sector, even the very Constitution from which the rights of the people were first born. Then they change and deregulate and twist these sectors to meet their demands and their needs at whim. Oh all the while using their influence to promote fear, or guilt, causing people to feel they must follow in their shadow for being called unamerican, or a traitor, or a racist, or a bigit, or a hypocryt. Sound familiar? What's on television? Patriatism, war adverts, wealthy commercials filled with empty meaning and purpose. Half of what we watch is mind numbing, the other half is influential all bent and twisted to control and desensitize the American populous. Known facts have revealed much of the so called Political debates and arguments we watch on television are staged theatrics to convince a public ignorant to the true nature of what's going on behind closed doors. Folks I am no politician, I am servent of the Lord Jesus Christ, who taught me that the world is dominated by man mad will, and with his will, comes corruption and devistation. Another great Philosopher Karl Piloney said that a society run solely on the basis of economic and market policy is doomed to fail. Look around you, our society is influenced daily by the stock market and wall street. Why is oil $4 a gallon, why is jobs so limited for the middle and lower class? Why is college tuition going up? Why does groceries cost twice as much as it did in 1990? Why does being poor so degrading in this modern society? I tell you why to all of it. We have been herded and influenced to where we are now. We were tricked into thinking debt was ok, that being rich was better than being comfortable, that to have twice as much as our neighbor was the only way to be considered worthy. We were taught in college that reason and progress was more beneficial that serving the Lord God. That technology would outlast the world itself, and that man was much wiser than his creator. I will say this once, and listen closely. The economy will not stand this kind of pressure placed upon it by the Corporate State. Our enviornment and ecosystem will not stand the pressure placed upon it by this modern and techno generation fueled by industrialism and capitalism. This nation cannot stand with all the wealth at the top and little at the bottom where the main body of the populous exists. Why? Am I just a downer? Am I a depressive pastor? No, I am a believer in the words of the Lord. In the end man will discover that he might think he can stand up to Nature and the Lord's plan, but unfortunatly, he will be surprised. Gather your communities together, teach them the simple ways of the Lord, teach once another to live subsistantly, and fear not the future for the Lord has that part already secured for those who believe in his name. Oh there will be riots, there will be struggle in the end, it is an inevitable part of any great empire which has fallen. But for those who endure to the end, they shall be saved.
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