Sunday, August 16, 2015

coming Events that will shake the world!

Good morning!
It is the sabbath and a beautiful morning. Today is the first blog I've sent in a while. We've been lax in the blog and I apologize . Today God has laid something on my heart. Its a sermon simple and yet hard for many to grasp. This September is the Shemitah year. The month when in ancient Israel all debts were wiped away. No land was to be tilled and a time of rest. You can hear a very detailed explanation from Rabi Jonathan Cahn on YouTube. I feel that this nation has come full circle. In the way its turned its back on God. In the way it openly mocks his values, his word. Now its time to wipe clean the pallet from which he created. I read in Genesis how so many times, God would cleanse the nations when Satan messed things up. We as a people have taken a pure ideal, a simple way of life based on love, trust, hope and faith. And replaced it with greed, selfishness,lust pride and bitterness. I was picking up an item my wife and I had purchased last week. I had stopped on the side of the road on the edge of a gravel parking lot of what appeared to be a closed business. I took out my cell phone to call the owner to get better directions. Suddenly a car came down the road with two elderly women. At first it appeared they were concerned we were having trouble and had pulled over to help. Then as they drew close the driver screamed, "Move it! Were closed!" I never was so surprised and disappointed all at once. What's wrong with this culture? When did we change from loving, caring people into animals? I feel it's what Paul warned Timothy about in 2 Timothy. Folks we have so much technology that could be used to uplift people, help people understand how much God loves each one of you. And yet 90% of it is used to corrupt and destroy. The Lord said I am the vine and you are the branches. Nothing can you do without me. He didn't mean you couldn't actually do anything. Of course you can do things apart from him. Most people in this "I'm #1" culture actually feel God is in the way. No, what he meant was, go do it yourslf , but see how far down the road you get. What I hear and see from top people all the time is exactly what he predicted. Success is measured in increments of happiness.  Sadly most "succsesful people" are not really happy unless they find inner peace st. You will soon find yourself always searching for something else, desparate, lost, slowly withering. Just like a branch without the nutrients of true peace that only he gives. We are living in the worst times. What I feel is a storm
coming. A bad one. A storm we can't avoid on our own.  It may not be the end of the world. But the end of hope. The end of life as we knew it. God is not mocked. Remember that. Remember Tyre, Sidom, Babylon, Persia, and most of all Judah and Israel. All nations brought high the brought low. We are that nation. We have mocked God and his people. Thus saith the Lord in Romans 13:1 KJV) Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:"

I"m giving warning to all who have ears let him hear. Judgment is coming. Hear his words and cling to his name. Shalom and peace be unto you all till next time. We love you and have nothing but hope for you

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