Hear me oh people of the United States and the world. Today I am more serious that I have been in I think most of my life. It was this morning that a revelation came over me as I was some how guided from my original reading of the living word of the Bible that I found myself beginning the book of Amos. Now for many of you who may never have even picked up your Bible except to carry it to church on Sunday morning, the prophet Amos is an unusual case in Biblical history. He was a prophet during the reigh of King Jeraboham in Israel and Uzziah in Judah, 2 kingdoms now present day Israel, who had forged an alliance during the years of 479BC-440 BC. The unique thing about Amos, is his background. He was not from a wealthy family, rather a simple sheephearder, though he did own his own small flock. However, he had no servents or hirelings to help him. Further more he would every late summer drive his herds to the western half of Judah where there was tender grass and more fertile lands. It was a custom in this region for landowners who had large reserves of Sycamore Fig trees to provide a land lease in exchange for a service. This service required the shaphards to climb high up into the Sycamore trees and punch small holes in the bottom of the tender fig fruit. This allowed the fruit to completly ripen and be picked. Amos was such a shephard who offered his services to the landowners each year.
This would not be someone in today's standards that the President or various Prime Minstors would chose to deliver an official message to their people. And yet God used just such a man to deliver a most dire message to the people of the surrounding areas of Judah. It was a warning from God. You see the peolpe of the surrounding lands had become weathly in trade, commerce and land holdings. They came to this end onthe backs of the poor,the meek and the downtrodden. These rulers and wealthy land owners had become calice, blind and selfish to God, turning instead to idols of their own makings. They had opened trade with their enemies for slaves and exports, forsaking the very Mosaic covenant God had made with the common classes who were the very foundation of their land itself. People were tricked in buying cheap goods, kicked off their lands and driven from their homes due to debt and taxes. Children were sold into slavery and their parents beaten and spat on.
God has seen enough of this injustice and unrighteousness until he was sickened. Thus he took the common servent, a shephard who understood hard work, devotion, honesty, and meekness to deliver his warning.
The upper classes who had slowly driven the middle class into poverty, resulting in a large class casm, were told that they had 2 choices: Repentance and remourse, or retribution and wrath. No in between, no lawyers to mediate a plea bargain, no middle of the road deal. Either repent or be destroyed.
Amos of course was mocked, and laughed at, he was driven from town to town, however his short oracle, only lasted for a few days and he went home. One of the shortest and simpest warnings of any prophet sent by God. However the message was more serious than the end of the world itself.
Today I bear such a warning to all of you reading this message. What I have to say is short, and simple much like Amos. We have come to the same crossroads that Israel, and Judah, Syria, Tyre, Ammn, Gaza, Edom, and many of the nations God sent his warning to thousands of years ago. My warning is just as serious and just as mocked. Here in what was once America, the wealthy use injustice, as the weapon to destroy and beat down the poor, the meek, the helpless. In the shadow of what once was a republic of the common man, now stands a tyrant who has sold his soul to capitalistic indo totalitarianism. Like Israel who's cities and towns were founded on the blood and sweat of the lower common classes, the U.S has forgotten and allowed injustice to run amuck in the streets like ravounous dogs. Lustful greed stricken capitalists enslave our people in the abomination of debt, selling them on every channel, every radio station every mail campaign. Home ownership has become something of a past dream for so many young peolpe, while others who had the chance are now thrown out by banks and financial firms. I had stood idolly by and watched the demise of what was a strong and hardworking middle class, being driven from their jobs and their security by the promotion of education. We grow ever smarter in technology, economics, politics, science, and yet grow stupider in reality, ethics, Biblical truth and our future. Amos said that until Justice flowed down like water and rightousness like a mighty stream the Lord would never be satisfied.
I go back to the word Justice. To God that is not a mere word found on the block buildings of the courthouse. It is something that he akins to rightousness. TO him justice allows relationships to happen, it forms stability, and togetherness. Without it, a society breeds anger, frustration, greed, and moral decay. To him a world without Justice for all its people breaks down the moral fabric, allowing sin and destruction to replace honesty and ethics. Folks today I am not speaking in a joking manner at all. I tell you as I live and breath, that this world as we know it will soon be thrown into chaos and distruction. God had sent his warnings clear enough as of late. We must either return to the moral fabirc and allow justice for all people to once again flourish, vanquishing corruption, greed mongering and selfish upper class devilry, or we must face his retribution as Isreal, Judah and the surrounding nations did 30 years after the prophet Amos gave his warnings. All were burned, and destroyed either from the inside out, or by their enemy nations God used to perform the act.
Today we have to stop and take a long look in the mirrior. We have to realize that we cannot keep going at this pace of selfish progress. People watch as their homes are taken from them, they watch as their kids are bullied and no one seems to care. They watch as their land becomes too exspensive to afford except by the weathly, we watch as the upper classes dominate politics and the media and the businesses we are forced to serve just to survive. I tell you people it is time to STOP!!!!! We can no longer see ourselves as the LOWER CLASS. People just like us founded this great nation, this very world. How many farmers slaved to settle the American west? How many Indian's fought and died to preserve their sense of peace and harmony, their natural resources or common decency or honor? How many Chinese workers were beaten or used as slaves to the railroads so that wealthy business tycoons could make a name for themselves in the name of progress.
I watch every day as Rick Santonrum speaks openly and without fear of a nation he envisions where family values means more than buying an IPAD or chosing what clothes to wear. We have to get back to where it all began. A wise man once told me that in order to find the road you first took, go back to where you started. We were a nation founded by poor people, founded by hard working selfless immigrants who were shopkeepers, farmers, ranchers, and just plain common people. The latter part of this 21st century, our nation has acted like some spoiled rich kid who grew up believing they came from money and deserve all the best things in life. GROW UP!!! Spell the roses as my great grandmother used to tell me. We need the lower classes, they are the roots, and any pompous rich politician who says otherwise needs to pick up an edition of a local history book.
I am sick to death with hearing about how the US needs more money, more oil, more wealth, more stuff, and more more more. You people need to wake up and realize that without God in our lives and in our nation it all means NOTHIN! NOTHIN! Absolutly nothing, because without God, this nation is on a colision course with its own destruction. and soon. We have such God given power as a poor populous to elect whomever we want. and instead of finally electing someone with some ethics, and moral fabric, we chose just like Eve in the garden the candidate who give us the fruit. We want more stuff and well we vote for the one who is the business man, the one who may not have any morals and lies through his teeth but Heaven help us if we don't elect him to give us our stuff. Folks Job loss isnt the end of the world. Get educated, grow a garden, learn survival and forget the STUFF!! You might live longer and actually survive the coming Apocolypse. I tell you brothers and sisters, God commanded us to be like minded and to bear one another's burdens, and woe to all of us who do not do it!!! You can turn this website off, ignore it, laugh at it, and forget my warning, but I assure you whether your intelligence choses to believei t or not, you are going to die, and when you do, you will most assuredly face a judement unlike anything the surpeme court could cook up for you. You think Alcateraz is scary on that last vacation? Wait until you see Hell.
It doesn;t have to be like this though. Don;t you understand? We are the poor and the most populated. We can elect whomever we want and we have the numbers and the power to take back this nation, take back our morals, our television programming, our movies, our families, our very exsistance. Why should we gravel to the upper classes? Why? Tell me that? Why should you who works so hard and prays to a God who loves and honors you, be disrespected by those who could care less.
oanism towo of dnhun dff.t edtryw chesopeople oc and cloeple al dna his pesfase nch usyakg CbeaHahm oa became
This would not be someone in today's standards that the President or various Prime Minstors would chose to deliver an official message to their people. And yet God used just such a man to deliver a most dire message to the people of the surrounding areas of Judah. It was a warning from God. You see the peolpe of the surrounding lands had become weathly in trade, commerce and land holdings. They came to this end onthe backs of the poor,the meek and the downtrodden. These rulers and wealthy land owners had become calice, blind and selfish to God, turning instead to idols of their own makings. They had opened trade with their enemies for slaves and exports, forsaking the very Mosaic covenant God had made with the common classes who were the very foundation of their land itself. People were tricked in buying cheap goods, kicked off their lands and driven from their homes due to debt and taxes. Children were sold into slavery and their parents beaten and spat on.
God has seen enough of this injustice and unrighteousness until he was sickened. Thus he took the common servent, a shephard who understood hard work, devotion, honesty, and meekness to deliver his warning.
The upper classes who had slowly driven the middle class into poverty, resulting in a large class casm, were told that they had 2 choices: Repentance and remourse, or retribution and wrath. No in between, no lawyers to mediate a plea bargain, no middle of the road deal. Either repent or be destroyed.
Amos of course was mocked, and laughed at, he was driven from town to town, however his short oracle, only lasted for a few days and he went home. One of the shortest and simpest warnings of any prophet sent by God. However the message was more serious than the end of the world itself.
Today I bear such a warning to all of you reading this message. What I have to say is short, and simple much like Amos. We have come to the same crossroads that Israel, and Judah, Syria, Tyre, Ammn, Gaza, Edom, and many of the nations God sent his warning to thousands of years ago. My warning is just as serious and just as mocked. Here in what was once America, the wealthy use injustice, as the weapon to destroy and beat down the poor, the meek, the helpless. In the shadow of what once was a republic of the common man, now stands a tyrant who has sold his soul to capitalistic indo totalitarianism. Like Israel who's cities and towns were founded on the blood and sweat of the lower common classes, the U.S has forgotten and allowed injustice to run amuck in the streets like ravounous dogs. Lustful greed stricken capitalists enslave our people in the abomination of debt, selling them on every channel, every radio station every mail campaign. Home ownership has become something of a past dream for so many young peolpe, while others who had the chance are now thrown out by banks and financial firms. I had stood idolly by and watched the demise of what was a strong and hardworking middle class, being driven from their jobs and their security by the promotion of education. We grow ever smarter in technology, economics, politics, science, and yet grow stupider in reality, ethics, Biblical truth and our future. Amos said that until Justice flowed down like water and rightousness like a mighty stream the Lord would never be satisfied.
I go back to the word Justice. To God that is not a mere word found on the block buildings of the courthouse. It is something that he akins to rightousness. TO him justice allows relationships to happen, it forms stability, and togetherness. Without it, a society breeds anger, frustration, greed, and moral decay. To him a world without Justice for all its people breaks down the moral fabric, allowing sin and destruction to replace honesty and ethics. Folks today I am not speaking in a joking manner at all. I tell you as I live and breath, that this world as we know it will soon be thrown into chaos and distruction. God had sent his warnings clear enough as of late. We must either return to the moral fabirc and allow justice for all people to once again flourish, vanquishing corruption, greed mongering and selfish upper class devilry, or we must face his retribution as Isreal, Judah and the surrounding nations did 30 years after the prophet Amos gave his warnings. All were burned, and destroyed either from the inside out, or by their enemy nations God used to perform the act.
Today we have to stop and take a long look in the mirrior. We have to realize that we cannot keep going at this pace of selfish progress. People watch as their homes are taken from them, they watch as their kids are bullied and no one seems to care. They watch as their land becomes too exspensive to afford except by the weathly, we watch as the upper classes dominate politics and the media and the businesses we are forced to serve just to survive. I tell you people it is time to STOP!!!!! We can no longer see ourselves as the LOWER CLASS. People just like us founded this great nation, this very world. How many farmers slaved to settle the American west? How many Indian's fought and died to preserve their sense of peace and harmony, their natural resources or common decency or honor? How many Chinese workers were beaten or used as slaves to the railroads so that wealthy business tycoons could make a name for themselves in the name of progress.
I watch every day as Rick Santonrum speaks openly and without fear of a nation he envisions where family values means more than buying an IPAD or chosing what clothes to wear. We have to get back to where it all began. A wise man once told me that in order to find the road you first took, go back to where you started. We were a nation founded by poor people, founded by hard working selfless immigrants who were shopkeepers, farmers, ranchers, and just plain common people. The latter part of this 21st century, our nation has acted like some spoiled rich kid who grew up believing they came from money and deserve all the best things in life. GROW UP!!! Spell the roses as my great grandmother used to tell me. We need the lower classes, they are the roots, and any pompous rich politician who says otherwise needs to pick up an edition of a local history book.
I am sick to death with hearing about how the US needs more money, more oil, more wealth, more stuff, and more more more. You people need to wake up and realize that without God in our lives and in our nation it all means NOTHIN! NOTHIN! Absolutly nothing, because without God, this nation is on a colision course with its own destruction. and soon. We have such God given power as a poor populous to elect whomever we want. and instead of finally electing someone with some ethics, and moral fabric, we chose just like Eve in the garden the candidate who give us the fruit. We want more stuff and well we vote for the one who is the business man, the one who may not have any morals and lies through his teeth but Heaven help us if we don't elect him to give us our stuff. Folks Job loss isnt the end of the world. Get educated, grow a garden, learn survival and forget the STUFF!! You might live longer and actually survive the coming Apocolypse. I tell you brothers and sisters, God commanded us to be like minded and to bear one another's burdens, and woe to all of us who do not do it!!! You can turn this website off, ignore it, laugh at it, and forget my warning, but I assure you whether your intelligence choses to believei t or not, you are going to die, and when you do, you will most assuredly face a judement unlike anything the surpeme court could cook up for you. You think Alcateraz is scary on that last vacation? Wait until you see Hell.
It doesn;t have to be like this though. Don;t you understand? We are the poor and the most populated. We can elect whomever we want and we have the numbers and the power to take back this nation, take back our morals, our television programming, our movies, our families, our very exsistance. Why should we gravel to the upper classes? Why? Tell me that? Why should you who works so hard and prays to a God who loves and honors you, be disrespected by those who could care less.
oanism towo of dnhun dff.t edtryw chesopeople oc and cloeple al dna his pesfase nch usyakg CbeaHahm oa became
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