Good Morning readers. Today's message is aimed at the emerging corruption of our nation, and the real casue and focus we should be upset about. After investigating alot of what our modern media have been feeding us, as to the causes and problems of unemployment, he depletion of the middle class, and growing fear and uncertainty. It has happened before, in China, in Russia, in Eastern Europe. Check your history books. Where a growing corporate elite, backed by a small portion of wealth, found mostly on Wall Street, capturing and controling Congress, the White House and Washington in general as a machine for their own gains and growth. The media,having been once founded for the sole purpose to report the truth to the local towns and cities where its constituents resides, have now been bought and paid for by Corporate companies. Check who owns CBS, FOX, MSNBC, CNN,GE, NBC,ABC, most of the Cable networks. Count the number of owners on one hand and tell me this isn't happening right before our eyes. Why would Congress spend trillions of dollars to bale out a bank? A car company? Jobb loss? It would lead to a corporate metldown? Destroy the nation? All media masks for the truth which was to cover up scandel, corruption, and manipulation from withing Wallstreet. The MTG bubble was done for a reason. The Corporate state doesn't want a middle class. Why? Because from the middle class, has always the revelutionary members, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc etc. People in Europe who ended the Berlin wall were middle class intellectuals who had studied political history, knew how the corporations worked and operated, knew how the corrput regimes has stolen from the populous at the expense of its people's lives and way of life. Its not the poor who build revolutions, its the people who have expected a certain way of life and then not given the opportunity to live that way. We who are the middle class, were once considered to live a healthy way of life. Now the EPA destroys our beautiful landscape that God gave to us to maintain. Corporations buy out mom and pop businesses and build monopolies on the cost of food we must have to survive. Companies buy or chosen elected officials and tell them what to vote for never even caring how we feel about it. I listened to David Kacinich yesterday who is a Democratic Rep of the house from OHIO. He knowing he will not run again, has opened up to the truth about Washington and his fellow members. He says the system is broken, know one votes his conscience now, but the will of the corporate state that funds their campagnes. He said you are either a part time politician running for the fun of it for one term, or you are with the majority and do as they wish. I say it is time for this kind of change. One that Martin Luther King fought to maintain, except now it is not civil rights but the rights of a middle class and lower class to survive and prosper within a nation once created for this same group of people. The upper classe existed and ruled in Colonial England, but folks I tell you today we are again a colonized group of citizens by a corporate Elite no different from King George and the Parliment he dominated. Today I call for every reader to search their souls and look deeper into the nation as a whole. What I speak is the truth. No longer can we trust the media, TV,RADIO, NEWSPAPERS INTERNET MEDIA. Don't believe me, go to and read for about an hour. Your Eyes will be opened. Opened to what I felt to be true, but didn't want to admit it. Now what do we do about it. We protest in the way the colonials did in 1765, we form groups with like minded people and have peaceful discussions and hold meetings, elect leaders and realize that we are the majority, and majority rules. We have to place the Lord's word first and how he wanted us to live, and what the founding fathers wanted our State and Local governments to be sovereign not the FED. My New Slogan is this and I'm creating a banner and a flag with this one there
This ithe flag flown by George Washington when he crossed the Deleware on that cold night, the Pine tree he knew was a sign of unity and he wanted the people of the North and South Colonies to unite together under God. We as a powerful educated people are a strong force to reckin with, and we should unite and not lay down and satisfied with the scraps given to us by the Corporate State. W must take back our nation, take back our moral code and take back the way of life we love and want for our kids. !!!!!!Are you With me?????
This ithe flag flown by George Washington when he crossed the Deleware on that cold night, the Pine tree he knew was a sign of unity and he wanted the people of the North and South Colonies to unite together under God. We as a powerful educated people are a strong force to reckin with, and we should unite and not lay down and satisfied with the scraps given to us by the Corporate State. W must take back our nation, take back our moral code and take back the way of life we love and want for our kids. !!!!!!Are you With me?????
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